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Monday, February 25, 2013

Cold to Frigid

Getting an early start on the foothills trail
It was 19 F. with a wind chill of 10 F. when I took Becca out into the backyard this morning; and it wasn't much warmer when we started out for Tortugas Mountain.  Once we started on the outbound leg, however, it didn't feel too bad because the sun was shining brightly and there was little wind.  Things changed on the way back, though, as a strong breeze picked up, lowering the wind chill quite a bit.  Once we headed back into the valley (the one Becca is looking over in image #3) we were able to get out of the wind.
Tortugas's western curves

Looking for Shaque and J.C.

The trail out of the Sunset Parking area


Dr. K said...

Fortunately it turned out to be a very sunny, though chilly, day.

Scott said...

Brrr... Not nearly as cold here (near 50 degrees today), but we did have frost when I woke up this morning.

And, I saw my first groundhog of the year this morning, munching birdseed I had spread for the ground-feeding birds. I don't begrudge the groundhog its fill; it must be hungry from its protracted nap.

packrat said...

Did you see the groundhog's shadow, Scott? Since we saw Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day" years ago, I cannot hear the word "groundhog" without thinking of that movie.

Scott said...

I saw the groundhog in the shadow cast by the house, Packrat, so I can't tell if the whistlepig would have cast his/her own shadow if he/she had been out in the open.

I, too, can't help but conjure the image of "Groundhog Day" when I hear the word. Kali and I just watched the movie again fairly recently (we own the DVD); it's just as good as it was the first time.

packrat said...

It is a very funny movie, Scott.

Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...