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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nice on the Mountain

The ramada at the Sunset Parking lot
It was freezing (32 F.) when Becca and I set off this morning, and the wind looked as if it would factor into our comfort level during the hike. Surprisingly, though, the wind disappeared when we got up on the mountain.  We saw a couple other outdoor enthusiasts:  a mountain biker who was wearing a bulky black backpack, making me wonder how hard it would be to bike like that; and a woman jogger who passed us when we were within a quarter mile of the car on our return.
What a dog's got to do

Blazing ahead

Is that what I think it is?

A large Soaptree Yucca west of Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain


Scott said...

Your photographic perspective of the soaptree yucca somehow struck me like Cousin It in the Addams Family series.

Dr. K said...

Scott, I see what you mean.

packrat said...

I see it, too.


Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...