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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Being Spat Upon

The New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in foreground
The title speaks metaphorically about the light rain that sprinkled down on Becca and me during our morning hike.  The drops were pretty cold, harbingers of the cold front that's in the process of blowing through the area.  Temperatures will drop significantly tonight and tomorrow.  We never really got wet from the rain because it was not a consistent drizzle.  We had one encounter with a young woman jogger who was delighted to see Becca in the "down" position in anticipation of the jogger passing us.  "Ooooh, what a good dog," the woman said.  I didn't bother telling her that Becca is really good--sometimes.
On the trail again

Roiling clouds over Tortugas


A beam of sun on Bishop Cap

Two moods over Tortoise Mountain

On the road again



Love that first photo - picturesque town against the dramatic backdrop of the mountains.

What does Becca do when she sees a Jackrabbit? I had a dog leap out of the car window when she saw a rabbit - fortunately, we were going slowly.

Dr. K said...

I really like the beam of sunlight on the mountain.

packrat said...

Thanks, Jacqui. It took me years to break Becca of the habit of chasing Jackrabbits. Now she'll just speed up a little and stare wistfully as if she's remembering the good old days of yore.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...