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Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Becca tracking a Jackrabbit on the lower desert trail
When we were about 1/8th of a mile from the end of our hike this morning Becca signaled that somebody was approaching quickly from behind.  I turned to see a young woman jogging with her dog, the latter of whom had a quick snarl with Becca. I recognized the woman as the one who, last year, was frantically looking for her lost dog while jogging.  I remember my friend JC and I helping her look, but to no avail.  When I asked today if the dog with her was the one she'd lost, she said, "Yes, I found her later that same day."  It felt good to know they'd been reunited.
Loggerhead Shrike on the top of an Ocotillo

The Mask of Shrike-o

The road around Tortoise Mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The face of that shrike looks like the Lone Ranger.

Both Sides Now

Bird cloud The weather was much better when Dr. K, Willow and I did our morning hike; although it was somewhat cold the wind was not as bad ...