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Saturday, July 7, 2018

Chance of Rain

Cloudy start to the day
We got a bit later start this morning because it was pretty heavily overcast and we didn't feel as if we had to beat the heat.  The forecast called for rain beginning in the early afternoon so we were able to get in a 90-minute hike on the Grand View Trail without experiencing so much as a sprinkle.  And the trail was uncrowded; the only people we saw were two guys near the midway ramada.  The humidity was quite high, and we weren't surprised when we got the promised rain in the afternoon; in fact, at 2:40, it's still coming down.  Do we ever need this precipitation; we have never seen our yard here in the high country look as brown and dry as it does now.
Always hoping her buddies will show

Still looking

Lonely little pumphouse

A young Mule Deer near Orchard Loop

She wasn't spooked by us at all

Mooned by a Mule Deer

New growth

Cone factory

Looked like rain for most of the hike

About to head through the cut

Creeping ahead of the pack

Checking out the sights

There's a bit of blue sky over there to the left

Beargrass blooming

Beargrass closeup fail

Dr. K and Becca

Allthorn buds

Clouds building in the distance

Queen Anne's Lace

Indian Paintbrush

Indian Paintbrush

Becca and Dr. K on the footbridge

A creek runs under it

Cumulus clouds


Becca the explorer

Hooray--Becca's buddies Champ and Cowboy showed up at last

Volunteer blooming in our yard

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice to see the blooming Indian Paintbrush since hardly any are blooming right now, unlike most other years, because of the drought.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...