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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hike and Yard Work

Early morning in the Sacramento Mountains
We got an early start this morning with the intention of doing a shorter hike on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail due to the amount of work we had waiting for us back at our place.  We did about 75 minutes altogether.  It was a good thing we cut it short because the temperature and humidity were much higher than yesterday, and we always want to make sure Becca isn't overheating.  She was fine, though, because we took sufficient shade and water breaks along the way.  It took me about 90 minutes with the battery-operated string trimmer to cut all the grass and weeds; and afterward Dr. K and I had to move a dead treetop that had fallen close to the side of our road.  We didn't have too much of a struggle with it, but the tree was heavier than I'd imagined.  Nice to have that work done, but I know I'll pay for it physically for the next few days.
Come on baby let's do the twist

Mountain home

Haynes Canyon, early morning

Another look at Haynes Canyon

Morning tea for Dr. K

In the pumphouse shadow

Crossing the creek soon

Old trestle above the creek

Imagine the weight this trestle had to bear

Different perspective

Allthorn (White Sands in the background)


Becca and Dr. K

Morning fun

Mistletoe on Junipers

Juniper Mistletoe is very hard on trees

Down the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Long view across the valley

Flagstone-lined entrance to a shady spot in the mountains

Flagstone floor

Quite an expanse of stone

Steady incline

View from the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Hold Becca, Dr. K, while I make a video of the creek

I'm going with "Common Blue Damselfly"


Dr. K said...

The Common Blue Damselfly is odd-looking and beautiful at the same time.

Caroline said...

Looks like there’s plenty of room on the property for a tiny house!

packrat said...

You're right, Caroline. We've built one and are already renting it out. :D

Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...