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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What a Grand View!

Cloudy morning in the high country
It was an early start on the Grand View Trail this morning as Dr. K, Becca and I tried to beat the rain.  It was supposed to start at around 11 a.m., but it didn't.  The weather did stay cloudy and humid all during our ninety-minute trek, but now--just after 1 p.m.--the sun is shining brightly.  No doubt it will rain later, though, as the dew point is pretty high; lots of moisture in the air.  We ran into absolutely nobody on the trail, which is not surprising for a Tuesday morning, but it's always pleasant to have a whole section of Lincoln National Forest all to yourself.
Looked like rain over the Sacramento Mountains

Taken during Becca's morning constitutional

On our property

Somewhat stark B&W

Juniper berries

What's around that bend?

Looking back at the bend we just rounded

Fallen stack of boulders

It might be raining over White Sands

Almost positive this is Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum)

Dr. K and Becca

Dr. K and Becca again

Black-tailed Jackrabbit in the high desert

Along the Grand View Trail

New growth on a Three-leaf Sumac

Boulders and mountain

Allthorn flowers

Allthorn again

The long view

The cut

Opposite side of the cut

Cactus in rock


Let's see:  who peed where?

Tres amigos



Dr. K said...

That Cowboy must be one of the cutest dogs ever. It's always nice to see our neighbors' dogs, and Becca loves it, too.

Caroline said...

Beautiful flowers!

packrat said...

Thanks, Caroline. We picked a nice bouquet and presented it to our new renter. :D

Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...