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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Restocking the Hacienda

Ocotillos occupied my attention this morning
I cut our morning trek short for several reasons today:  I had to do the daily shopping, and it felt absolutely brutal out there.  Both Becca and I were suffering.  The sun was blazing down, and the humidity and dew point were sky high.  Oh, and did I mention there wasn't a breath of wind?  For the first time this hot season I had to take out my special face towel, strap it to my left shoulder strap and use it to mop my brow several times during our outing.  Both Becca and I were really thankful to get back to the car after our abbreviated trek.
A little section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert

Becca was really hot during our trek

White-winged Dove on some dead yucca bayonets

A new Ocotillo (just a few inches tall)

A stately Ocotillo in the upper foothills (about 12 feet high)



Desert millipede

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Interesting to see a baby ocotillo plant starting to emerge from the rocky soil.

Antes del Viento

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