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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

First Hike 2019

Light and shadow on the west side of Tortugas
Becca and I got a bit later start on our hike on the west side of Tortugas Mountain this morning, but that was okay because we were able to benefit by an earlier entry into the sunlight on the narrow trail along the arroyo.  It was 30F with a stiff wind when we left the car near the Sunset Area parking lot, so the warmth from old Sol was greatly appreciated.  Almost as soon as we started up the left branch of the single-track we ran into a runner we've know for a long time, and he and I wished each other a Happy New Year.  The only other people we saw were a man and woman up near the dilapidated white shack where the trail crosses through the arroyo in a deep gully.  Becca and I waited trailside while they passed, both greeting us with a pleasant "Good morning."  I shortened our trek in order to get home and then leave right away for a shopping trip to Target and Alberstsons.  I was pleasantly surprised by how sparsely populated both stores were.  The only thing I didn't like was spending too much money on groceries.
Old experimental towers

Happy to be out on an early morning hike

Looking up

A closer look at those Prickly Pear Cacti

Shadow cleaved by light

Grass and Ocotillos

Same view as above:  steep west side of the mountain

A black-and-white look down Geothermal Road

Headed back

Cold, but sunny, first morning of 2019 in the northern Chihuahuan Desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo "Headed Back." Even though the desert at this time of year is a lot more brown than green, it is still beautiful and peaceful.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...