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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Trek, OMDPNM

Lots of contrails this morning
Dr. K, Becca and I headed out to Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument early this morning to do a hike on the Sierra Vista Trail (norte).  There were five RVs in the designated camping areas when we drove down the road to the parking lot at the trailhead, but there were no humans stirring.  During our long trek up the main trail and along a single-track that heads directly east toward the mountains we saw only two women runners.  The weather was perfect for a winter hike:  41F with diluted sunlight at first, but changing over to more brilliant sunshine midway through our trek.  No wind.  On our return to the parking lot a guy in the RV nearest to Whitey the CR-V had just come out of his rig and was preparing it for departure.  The blue Subaru Forester parked right beside our ride had a Maryland plate, and the dealership frame around the plate indicated the vehicle had been purchased in Silver Spring, a suburb of Washington D.C.  Long way from home.
Torrey Yuccas on the first plateau

Same Torrey Yuccas from a different perspective

Tortugas Mountain

Organ Mountains

Becca's having a good time already

How many Barrel Cacti?

This and the next two:  three looks at the west face of the Organs

Rolling foothills

More barrels

Hills west of jagged peaks

Four images of Barrel Cacti with one of Becca interspersed

Grassy swale

More Barrel Cacti

More Organ Mountain images

Village of Doña Ana

Even more barrels

Ocotillo and the Organs

Same Ocotillo, different perspective

This and the next:  skeleton of a Prickly Pear Cactus pad

Dr. K and Becca

Remains of a dead Barrel Cactus

Sotol with mountain backdrop

Becca and me

Becca and me

The taller Barrel Cactus is about 4 feet

Jet over the Organs

More of the Organs

More distant look

There's a reason they're called the "rugged" Organ Mountains

Barrel Cactus and the Organs

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm always amazed by the interiors of prickly pear pads. Today we saw several large prickly pears that had been chewed by deer or other critters.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...