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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Back to HOT

First 4 are flowers of Klein Cholla (Cylindropuntia kleiniae)
75F this morning:  hot and a bit humid.  No breeze.  Becca and I went to the far side of Tortugas Mountain for a short hike.  It became apparent immediately that she wasn't enjoying the outing; me neither.

When we wrapped around the back of the mountain and approached the intersection with the trail leading to the lower desert three mountain bikers stood astride their mounts chatting.  We had to pass by them to get onto the narrow single-track, and Becca doesn't much care for mountain bikes; she was good, though, only shooting dirty looks at the bicyclists.  They were friendly, nonetheless, and greeted us warmly.

Although we saw a few other outdoor enthusiasts during our trek we encountered nobody.  It was especially good to get back to Whitey the CR-V, climb inside and crank up the air conditioning.  On the way home I noticed that the Sunset Area was every bit as crowded as it was when we passed by this morning; obviously there was some kind of planned event on the west side of the mountain.

Start of our hike

There's a mountain biker in this photo

Leading the way across a plateau

"Bishop Cap" in the distance (part of the Organ Mountains)

You coming?

Down the narrow single-track

Heading for the lower desert

Through an Ocotillo

Looking back

Barrel Cactus

Circle of buds

Southeast side of Tortugas

Road on the east side

End of hike

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the beautiful pink and yellow shades of the cholla flower.

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