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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Quick Jaunt on the Grand View

Pretty sure it's Damianita
Dr. K, Becca and I hit the Grand View Trail at 8:15 this morning for a quick hike before going back to the cabin to pack for a return trip to the lower desert.  It was raining a bit before our trek, but we didn't get wet during our outing.  It did rain yesterday afternoon and into the early evening, but by a barely measurable amount.

The only people we saw during our trek was back at the trailhead as we were getting ready to drive back to the cabin--a man and woman with a Heeler.  The guy and I exchanged pleasantries briefly, discussing dogs.  Then it was back to pack and the 90-minute drive to Las Cruces.  We had a good four days in the high country, and best of all we never heard one firecracker while we were there.
Becca inspecting the trail

Don't know what this insect is

Grand View Trail

Weathered rock

Jennifer Juniper

Dr. K and Becca leading the way

This and the next:  Sotols

Two views of tree


Tularosa Basin in the distance

Lion head?

More Sotols

This and the next 4:  White Sands from the Grand View Trail

Headed back in

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Several large junipers were full of their light blue berries--a good season, it seems, for junipers.

Saturday with Wils

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