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Sunday, July 28, 2019


Heading into Soledad Canyon
Dr. K, Becca and I decided to drive up to do a hike in Soledad Canyon in the western unit of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.  We hadn't been up there since Soledad Canyon Road was completely repaved, all the way up to and including the first-time paved and lined parking lot.  It was a pleasure getting there.  Not surprisingly four or five other vehicles were already parked in designated spaces, though we only ran into three individual hikers during our trek.

We followed the main trail east into the canyon until reaching the intersection with the Bar Canyon loop trail, which we followed south for several miles.  Not in the mood to hike the entire loop--including the elevation gain on the eastern portion--we turned around near The Chimney and headed back.  It was beautiful out there this morning, not too hot (but humid) and extremely lush.  We were fortunate to spot three Mule Deer browsing in the grass on the far side of a major arroyo, a mama and her two fawns--a doe and buck who were probably one year old or slightly younger.  None seemed worried about our presence, just curious.  By the time we headed back they were out of sight.
View from the trail

Apache Plume

Further into the canyon

The Chimney

Sun over the mountain

This and the next:  young Mule Deer doe

Mountain layers


To the southwest

This and the next 3:  young Mule Deer buck (probably one-year old)

Mama Mule Deer

This and the next:  Mama and son



Bar Canyon Trail

The Chimney

Heading back

This and the next 2:  images of the mountains

Beetle and friend on Apache Plume flower

Beetle on Apche Plume

Water trough at the trailhead

The newly paved parking lot

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's always such a pleasure to spot deer. I'm glad the mother deer and the young buck didn't flee when they saw us. You got some nice photos of them, Packrat.

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