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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our Pal Woody

Along the west side of the mountain
Dr. K didn't accompany Becca and me on our Sunday morning hike today so I decided that The Beckster and I would do our normal Sunset Area trek.  We altered it a bit for diversity, but the distance remained the same.  There were many outdoor enthusiasts on and about the mountain, and we encountered some, first a few on our way out, and even more on our way in.

You can't blame people for getting out early in the northern Chihuahuan Desert to enjoy nature before the day heats up too much, but Becca and I wish all of them would find another place to go, and leave us alone to enjoy this very special spot. :-)
Ocotillos hiding a yucca

Ocotillos on the west side

Something akin to Shinto

This and the next 3:  Ladder-backed Woodpecker

The far point of our morning hike

Becca on break while I take photographs

This and the next:  huge Torrey Yucca

To the rugged mountains

Time to turn back

What do I see?

This and the next:  Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like those photos of the Ladderback Woodpecker and the yucca fruit, especially the first one.

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