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Friday, January 29, 2021

Drizzle to Rain

Upper flatland road
On a cloudy and relatively cold (42F) morning the four of us hiked up to First Arroyo and back.  We got sprinkled upon at the start of the trek and sprinkled on again at the very end.  During the drive back home the rain picked up significantly, but never poured down.

Looks to be a cloudy and rainy day here in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, and we're under a wind advisory beginning tonight at 10 p.m. through 8 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Clouds over the Organs

This and the next:  odd clouds over LDR

View to the southwest

This and the next:  south on LDR

This and the next:  entering First Arroyo

Potrillo Mountains on the horizon

This and the next 2:  how big is this Soaptree Yucca?

Heelers and human added for scale

The rest:  virga to the southwest


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the virga. I especially like the last one of the Virgo where the sun is shining.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...