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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Better Than Church

Just off the side of LDR
Weather app read "37F, feels like 33F," but it felt much warmer when we started out this morning.  No clouds, no breeze to speak of, and plenty of sunshine.  Both Dr. K and I were nearly hot on the return leg of our journey.

Hiked up to a ridge south of First Arroyo, climbed up into the hills above, and then took our time moseying over to the spot chosen for our descent into the sandy, dry river of life for this section of desert.  Had some water, took some photos, then headed back.

We saw nobody else out there on this fine church-going Sunday morning as we communed with the spirit of nature.

Bushwhacking west of the mountains

This and the next:  from the western hills

This and the next:  the view from this Barrel Cactus

Heelers with Dr. K

Willow and Frio

Looking west from the hills

Maybe 10 miles from here to the Organs

Closer to the mountains

The Dioscuri

The desert above First Arroyo

First Arroyo runs out of the west side of Tortugas Mountain

Frio and Willow

This and the last:  Torrey Yucca on the bank of First Arroyo


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Cool Breeze

A beautiful morning started to feel a tad warm by the time we reached Second Arroyo today.  Along the way we bumped into the pleasant man and woman runners who we often see on Saturdays.

In the arroyo I removed my vest and stowed it in the pack; by then it was feeling warm enough to open the armpit zips on my Marmot PreCip jacket.

After bushwhacking over to First Arroyo we headed back and were greeted by a much-appreciated cool breeze that kept us from feeling hot.

When we crested LDR we noticed a black SUV parked on the far side of Tellbrook, its rear door opened fully.  A moment later we saw the two large German Shepherds heading our way.  Fortunately they weren't aggressive, but our Heelers were very agitated and were nearly impossible to restrain; we had them leashed, of course.  But the idiot man who was trying to get his dogs back inside his vehicle had the canines running back and forth across Tellbrook, which often has a significant amount of traffic.  I have no problem with loose dogs if their handlers can, in fact, handle them; but if you can't control your dog(s) when they're off lead don't let them loose.

Soaptree Yucca stalk

UFO clouds

This and the next:  Tortugas and the Organs

This and the next:  spent seed pod of a Soaptree Yucca

Mother and child reunion

This and the next:  Mesquite thorns

Inside Second Arroyo

Frio and Willow

This and the next:  incoming

This and the next:  who wants a treat?

Bushwhacking over to First Arroyo

First Arroyo


Nearly to the upper flatland


Friday, February 26, 2021

Beep Beep

Soaptree Yucca along LDR
Slightly cooler morning today as we trekked up to First Arroyo and back.  A slight wind made conditions feel colder than the actual temperature.  When the wind died things got better.

Our high today is supposed to be 71F, a bit cooler than the previous two days.  If only we could go through the summer months with highs in the mid-70s and lows in the mid-40s this would be an absolutely perfect place to live weather-wise.

Although a vehicle was parked at the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch lot when we started off it was gone when we finished up; and we saw nobody else in our section of the desert today.

This and the next:  closeup of the same Soaptree Yucca pod

This and the next:  wispy clouds

When will the leaves appear?

Heading into First Arroyo

Frio, Dr. K and Willow

Torrey Yucca and small tree

Another small, leafless tree

Computer-enhanced Roadrunner


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Springing Along

First 3:  Soaptree Yuccas along LDR
Another spring-like morning greeted Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I as we hiked up to Second Arroyo today.  We were actually overly warm, and I considered removing a layer of outerwear when we ducked into the arroyo, but a cool breeze convinced me to keep it on.

We stopped long enough to get drinks of water, take a few photographs and appreciate the beauty of our section of northern Chihuahuan Desert before heading back.

Our high temperature is supposed to be 75F today, weather conditions that are on the verge of giving us spring fever.

Mesquite and Prickly Pear Cacti

2 different kinds of Prickly Pear Cactus

Willow and Frio

In Second Arroyo

Don't lose your keys in there

Washboard cloud (probably from a contrail)

Line of clouds

Tortugas and the Organs


Birds and Flowers

Curve-billed Thrasher It was 47F when Dr. K, Willow and I got on the trail.  At home I had decided to don only my Marmot PreCip for outerwea...