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Monday, February 15, 2021

Cold As Ice

This and the next:  iced plant outside our house
The doors of Whitey the CR-V were frozen shut this morning; that's how cold it got overnight (16F).  When we headed outside to take Willow and Frio for several walks up and down the arroyo beside our house it was 20F, but felt like 14F.

I used a hair dryer to defrost the driver's door later, started the vehicle and let it run for about twenty minutes.  But I decided to take the Jeep when I went for a drive later with Frio.  He loves riding in the Commander.

We made several stops for me to get photos of the desert in winter garb:  the Monte Vista side of Tortugas Mountain, the Sierra Vista Trail and camping area, and midway up the road to the Dripping Springs Natural Area; the latter was closed, I'm guessing due to the weather.

Both Frio and I enjoyed our outing very much.

This and the next 2:  Monte Vista side of Tortugas Mountain

West entrance to the national monument

This and the next:  Frio minding the Jeep


This & the next 2: partially snowy landscapes in the monument

What's that expression?

What manner of beast lurks in the wilderness?

This and the next:  La Cueva Rocks

Into the canyon

This and the next:  bovine beast

Road into Dripping Springs Natural Area

The higher peaks are out there somewhere

Sierra Vista camping area and trailhead

This and the next 2:  more snowy landscapes

Perhaps I'll drive

Icy stalactites

Artsy icicles


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the snowy desert. I especially like the last photo of the icicles. Frio certainly looks like he's enjoying himself.

Pretty Bird

This & next 3:  blooming yuccas Willow and I took a hike together this morning; Dr. K stayed home to get ready for our trip to the high ...