Soaptree Yucca along LDR
Slightly cooler morning today as we trekked up to First Arroyo and back. A slight wind made conditions feel colder than the actual temperature. When the wind died things got better.
Our high today is supposed to be 71F, a bit cooler than the previous two days. If only we could go through the summer months with highs in the mid-70s and lows in the mid-40s this would be an absolutely perfect place to live weather-wise.
Although a vehicle was parked at the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch lot when we started off it was gone when we finished up; and we saw nobody else in our section of the desert today.
This and the next: closeup of the same Soaptree Yucca pod
This and the next: wispy clouds
When will the leaves appear?
Heading into First Arroyo
Frio, Dr. K and Willow
Torrey Yucca and small tree
Another small, leafless tree
Computer-enhanced Roadrunner
I like those close-ups of the Soaptree Yucca pod.
Beautiful road runner! Haven't seen one of those since I was a kid.
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