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Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Second Arroyo Outing

Soaptree Yucca leaves
Willow, Frio and I took a shorter hike than those of the previous two days, a trek up to Second Arroyo and back.  We saw no humans nor desert denizens during our exploration, though the Heelers on several occasions behaved as if they spotted critters I couldn't see.

Though they both pulled quite a bit during our outing the dogs were fairly well behaved.  They certainly enjoyed themselves during the desert sojourn.

Frio and Willow in Second Arroyo

West side of Tortugas


Same clouds as previous image

Soaptree Yuccas

Potrillos on the horizon

Willow and Frio at rest

Again with the clouds

Tortugas (left) and the Organs

This & next:  desert flora and the Organ Mountains

Insect like Soaptree

Last 2:  Soaptree portal


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the two Soaptree Portal images.

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...