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Monday, October 4, 2021

Another Foursome

First 2:  from the upper flatland road
Willow, Frio, Dr. K and I did an arroyo exploration hike this morning on a beautiful day.  We hiked down LDR-A, crossed into the Tellbrook Arroyo and then bushwhacked into a series of arroyos southwest of Tortugas Mountain.

Everybody enjoyed the hike, and we didn't put undue strain on Dr. K's bum knee.

Aurora clouds

This & next:  exploring arroyos

Chihuahuan Desert X

Rough Pastel filter

This & next:  Barrel Cactus fruit

Soaptree Yucca stalks

House Finch

Willow and Frio

Last 3:  on LDR headed back (middle has Dry Brush filter)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like that photo with the pastel filter. Nice image.

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