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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Extended Exploration

First 2:  headed down LDR-A
I didn't plan on it, but the daunting desert trio (Willow, Frio and meo) took an extended exploration this morning; we made a right turn in the Tellbrook Arroyo and trekked a good bit of it to the east.  When we found a large arroyo heading north we followed it.

This is an arroyo we've explored in the distant past, and it led us into familiar territory where I spent a lot of time with Becca years ago.  Frio and Willow enjoyed themselves immensely even though they must have been somewhat hot; we're still pretty warm for early October--our expected high is 86F.

At the far point of our hike I considered bushwhacking up to the southernmost outer loop road, but decided against it due to dense undergrowth.  Instead we made a U-turn and retraced our steps back into the upper flatland and to our waiting CR-V.

This & next 2:  just north of the Tellbrook Arroyo

Arroyo we haven't explored in a long time

One of my favorite Torrey Yuccas

Arroyo in B&W

Willow and Frio in a spot they haven't been in a long while

Dead tree

An arroyo Becca and I explored often

Stingleaf (aka "Stinging Serpent")

Sandhill Cranes headed for Bosque del Apache

Sulfur on Stingleaf

Stinging Serpent

Favorite Torrey Yucca from a different perspective

Looking back at the way we just came

Local color in an arroyo

Hairy False Goldenaster

Look who photobombed this image

The long dirt road


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm glad all three of you were able to take a longer hike on a beautiful morning. I really like the photo of the Sandhill Cranes.

Extra Long

Willow leading the way Dr. K had to drive all the way to El Paso for an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek. ...