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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Another Jaunt on the Grand View

All images:  Grand View Trail (unless otherwise captioned)
We got started on the Grand View Trail about 8:50 this morning, and we hiked its entire length and back.  Willow and Frio had a great time marking every other bush and shrub, and sniffing every possible scent in front of them--and even a few behind.

Driving on our road back to the cabin we saw Cowboy and Coop, but only Coop came down to say hello.  It was the first time he got to greet Willow while she was off lead, and he may have regretted it; both she and Frio chased Coop back toward his place several times before returning to us.  We haven't seen him since.  Hope he's not spooked off.

Once home Dr. K and I put the cover on our living room window air conditioner to protect it from winter cold.  I also put an insulated cover on the front faucet outside.  The back faucet was already covered from the last time we were here.

High desert grasses

Midway ramada

Animals present in this area

Three-leaf Sumac

Dr. K with Frio and Willow


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's nice to relive our hike by scrolling through these beautiful photos. I especially like the image of the Three-leaf Sumac.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...