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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Another New Spot

This & next:  Soaptree Yuccas
On the way down LDR-A this morning I decided to tack eastward to an arroyo we've seen before, but never explored.  It turned out to be a nice find because I got a new perspective on subjects I've photographed often.

Both Frio and Willow enjoyed the new territory, snuffing up scents they'd not experienced on our usual route.  They also got to lie down and relax in unfamiliar places.

We followed the new path down to the Tellbrook Arroyo, made a slight jog to the west, and then hiked up LDR back into the upper flatland.  On the way we had to cross back over to LDR-A momentarily to let two guys riding in an ATV pass by.  Then we angled over to LDR again and finished our daily trek.

Exploring a new area

More Soaptree Yuccas

Tortugas and the Organs

Long view from a new arroyo

This & next 2:  fascinating grouping of Soaptree Yuccas

This & next:  lone Soaptree

Lean into it

We three kings

Fall color in the desert

Artsy shot

Artsy shot in B&W

Willow and Frio

This & next:  same Prickly Pear

Frio and Willow

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the first artsy shot, and also the last photo of Frio and Willow.

Nest Building

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