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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Angry and Frustrated

First 3:  Organ Mountains
I cut the hike significantly short today due to Willow's bad behavior.  She got onto a scent as soon as we stepped out of the CR-V, and she didn't relent until we were nearly back in our vehicle again.

I tried everything to stop her frantic lunging forward:  pulling her back on a shortened length of lead, changing direction, stopping, crossing over from LDR-A to LDR.  Nothing worked.  So as soon as she did her business, I decided it was time to return home.  

Today was easily the worst pulling she's ever done, and we saw no other canines out there; but obviously some critters had passed along the road before us--probably recently.

Leaning Tower of Yucca on LDR-A

View from LDR (almost back in the upper flatland)

Upper flatland view X

On the horizon:  Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm glad you were still able to take some good photos despite your struggle with our misbehaving Willow.

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