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Saturday, February 19, 2022

A Tad by Any Other Name

First 2:  morning moon
It was a bit warmer when we got started this morning, though I wore my ear band and gloves for about an eighth of the hike.  Crossing the east/west trail over to the new arroyo provides shelter from the wind so things warmed up significantly there.

Willow and Frio had a blast today, but they were pulling like sled dogs for the first quarter of our trek.  Willow's nose was glued to the desert floor for a good portion of the outing, as if a large number of critters had passed through right before we got there.

Although there were two vehicles in the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch parking lot when we got there I could see them pull out and leave just before we headed up Left Branch Arroyo.  Didn't see any other human outdoor enthusiasts while we did our explorations.

Hill west of the Organ Mountains

B&W Soaptrees

Bushwhacked to here

Distant view of the mountains

Potrillo Mountains on the southwest horizon

This & next:  big yucca

This & next 2:  Frio and Willow beneath big yucca

Desert between here and the Organs

Side-view Organs

Rear-view Organs with a cameo by Willow's ears


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that rear-view mirror image of the Organs--and Willow's ears.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...