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Saturday, February 12, 2022

Before the Buzzcut

First 2:  almost same scene of the Organ Mountains
We got out fairly early for a short hike this morning, abbreviated due to Frio's ongoing problem with his right rear leg.  I'm taking him to the vet Monday morning for a third assessment of his leg; the last, which included an Xray, showed nothing wrong with his limb, but he went back to limping a few days after he got off Rimadyl.  He's been on glucosamine for a few weeks now.

He did fine on our outing with Willow, showing no disability.  Of course, we've had him back on the anti-inflammatory for several days now.  We hope this is something from which he can completely recover.

We limited our trek today to the LDR-A arroyo, the east/west cross trail and the Right Branch Arroyo.

This & next 3:  headed down the LDR-A arroyo

Soaptree Yucca


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Cute photos of Willow and Frio on high alert in the desert.

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