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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

F is for Fail

This & next: side arroyo connecting left and middle branches
We did our usual hike this morning, and even though the temperature at start was 29F conditions didn't feel too cold; of course it always helps when the desert sun is shining brightly.

We didn't run into any desert critters, but the way Willow acted in sniffing various scents you'd have thought a few were ready to appear at any moment.

I won't detail Willow's atrocious behavior today; suffice it to say I haven't given many F grades to Heelers ever.


Heading down Middle Branch Arroyo

Failing student and her shadow

Ocotillo, Torrey Yucca, Tortugas Mountain and the Organs

Torrey Yucca and Ocotillo

Soaptree Yucca and the mountains

Frio and Willow



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the Soaptree Yucca and the mountains.

Almost Brutal Trek

Snow sky 30F when Willow and I started off this morning, the raw conditions made nearly unbearable by a strong, cold wind.  The Organ Mounta...