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Saturday, February 5, 2022

Cold and Breezy Bushwhack

Early morning ballooning
I didn't plan on doing any bushwhacking on this cold early February morning, but once Willow, Frio and I hiked way up into Left Branch Arroyo I saw some cacti I wanted to photograph, so off we went.

We actually found a few animal trails to follow and they led us onto the ridge east of the arroyo, where there were some spectacular vistas.

I had dressed appropriately for the cold conditions, but the presence of a persistent breeze made the weather feel colder than it actually was, though it was quite cold:  24F when we started out.  Heelers didn't mind.

Speaking of Heelers, I had to give them a C today because on three separate occasions they lunged forward to pursue fleeing jackrabbits that I didn't see in advance.

Hot air balloon X

Desert living

B&W Prickly Pear

Color Prickly Pear

Frio and Willow in Left Branch Arroyo

Barrel Cactus, Prickly Pear and Torrey Yuccas

Find the Hedgehog Cactus

Barrel Cactus and Soaptree Yucca

Bushwhacking in new territory

Hedgehog Cactus

This & next 2:  triple Barrel Cactus

Last 2:  the Heelers in Right Branch Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the color photo of the Prickly Pear.

I have to admit I couldn't find the Hedgehog cactus.

The Heelers are so cute.

Saturday with Wils

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