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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Another Alternate Route

Another surprise when we reached the trailhead this morning:  the guy who drives the tan Jeep was already parked there; he has a large dog we want to avoid so we drove across the upper flatland road to our old parking spot and left the CR-V there.

We hiked down LDR, crossed the Tellbrook Arroyo and headed north to the mesquite tree we used to stop under often in the past.  From there we took a short jog east into the desert before returning to the dirt road.

We trekked straight back up LDR to the upper flatland road and our CR-V.  An OK hike.

Garage door wouldn't open when we got home, and we discovered as soon as we got inside that there was a power outage; lasted about 45 minutes.

Looking westerly from LDR

LDR again

Ocotillo at the side of LDR

Toward Tortugas and the Organs

Ocotillo near the crest of LDR

Barrel Cactus

Heading down

This & next:  same House Finch

Tortugas and the Organs

Mesquite alongside LDR

Whitethorn Acacia

Desert's edge

This & next:  Ocotillos between LDR and the Organs

Heading up

This & next:  same Barrel Cactus

Different Barrel Cactus

Our neighbor's cat, who's spent time on our roof


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like that photo of the Whitethorn Acacia.

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