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Friday, July 1, 2022

Bad Pooch

Hill west of LDR-A
Willow totally ruined this morning's hike by acting like an out-of-control vacuum cleaner throughout.  She got on every scent out there today, and I had to strain to hold her back.  And then when we got back to the CR-V she made an unauthorized leap toward the back of the vehicle, the lead locked, and she did a total flip in the air, landing, unscathed, on her four feet.  I'm not sure how to correct this ground-sniffing behavior, but something has to be done.
Which snake slept here?

Southwest of Tortugas

This & next:  Black-throated Sparrow


Chihuahuan Desert X

This & next:  mesquite leaves

View to the Organs

This & next:  heading up the right branch

Organ Mountains

Twin-Leaf Senna



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the second image of the Mesquite leaves.

Second Trek

Hikers and hounds west of the Organ Mountains 34F when we started our hike on this second day of the new year; fortunately there was no wind...