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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

High for Low

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Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I did an exploration of the forest near our property again this morning before returning to pack up for the trip down to the lower desert.  Before we left I had a chance to go out and greet Cowboy and Coop in our driveway.  They came to say hello.

High at our place in the Sacramentos today:  78F.  High down here in L.C.:  94F.  Rather be up there.

Frio's lofty perch

Sacramento Mountains

Sun through tree


Looking back toward Haynes Canyon

Near High Rolls/Mountain Park

This & next:  a trail we followed

This & next:  dead tree

Two great dogs:  Willow and Frio


Frio coming back while Willow looks on


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos of Willow and Frio enjoying themselves in the high country.

Nest Building

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