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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Back to Cold and Windy

The long view:  Tortugas and the Organs
Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I took our usual early morning hike today, and for the first part of the outing we were quite cold; a frigid wind was blowing despite the abundant sunshine.

As is often the case upon turning right on the east/west cross trail we were shielded from the gusts by the contours of the immediate environment.  That protection ended when we ascended Right Branch Arroyo and climbed the steep hill to the west.

We were happy that we only had a short jaunt over to the CR-V and its warm interior.

This & next 5:  clouds over the Organ Mountains

This & next:  Curve-billed Thrasher

Mushroom cloud

This & next:  Frio and Willow

Woodpecker cloud over the mountains?

Frio and Willow


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

In that last photo Frio and Willow are so cute.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...