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Monday, April 10, 2023

Baby Hawk?

Yucca flowers with moon
When Willow, Frio and I were heading up the left branch arroyo I saw a Swainson's Hawk flapping its wings near the tall yucca on the ridge to the west; a moment later I heard the cries of a young hawk.  When what I presume was Mama Hawk flew off I could see another, smaller, hawk atop the yucca.

I think Mama had just given the youngster some food, and I had the impression she was teaching the young one to hunt.  I have no way of knowing for sure, but it seemed that way.  The young Swainson's kept turning its head this way and that, and I felt it was looking for its mother who was flying in the distant background.

That was the thing most notable about this mornings trek; the other issue that quickly became quite apparent was the heat.  Things are warming up too quickly in our section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert.

Clouds over the Organ Mountains

Frio and Willow

Young Swainson's Hawk and mama flying in the distance

This & next 2:  young Swainson's Hawk on flower stalk

Mesquite leafing out

Feather Dalea

Claret Cups

Last 2:  Feather Dalea (aka Dalea formosa)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the first photo of the young Swainson's Hawk. Personally, I'm glad it's heating up!

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