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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday Trail Finders

Looking back up the LDR-A arroyo we came down
Willow, Frio and I did our morning trek without Dr. K today; she was off grocery shopping.

On our way up the left branch arroyo I spotted a guy coming down the steep hill beside the right branch, and I could see his somewhat large dog bounding through the desert.  I kept a close eye on the two while we started down the middle branch; he was watching me, too, because he waved.  I waved back.

I suspected it might be the guy who drives the brown jeep with the roof rack, and, sure enough, his vehicle was parked near ours when we exited the right branch.  I haven't seen this guy in a long time; fortunately we had no close encounter with him and his dog.

This & next:  had a very close encounter with this jackrabbit

Desert greenery

This & next 3:  Swainson's Hawk atop a yucca

Sun through mesquite tree

Frio and Willow

Mourning Dove (left) and Loggerhead Shrike

Ocotillo and the Organs

Last 2:  Claret Cup Cacti


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo of the sun through the Mesquite tree.

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