Artsy Red-tailed Hawk on yucca
We got an early start on our morning hike today, and all involved--Dr. K, Willow, Frio and me--had a good outing.
We saw the Basset Hounds with their two people descending LDR-A while we were headed up the left branch arroyo; they were the only hounds and humans we spotted during our exploration.
I photographed what I thought to be the same raptor on the same yucca I photographed yesterday, but now I'm uncertain of several things. Did I erroneously ID yesterday's hawk as a Swainson's when it was, instead, a Red-tailed, or is today's hawk a light morph Swainson's? I'm inclined to believe I misidentified yesterday's raptor, and the one I photographed today is, indeed, the same bird--a Red-tailed Hawk.
This & next 2: Red-tailed Hawk
Torrey Yucca
Mormon Tea
Frio and Willow
I keep photographing this yucca
Last 2: Claret Cup Cactus
1 comment:
That Red-tailed Hawk is a majestic bird.
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