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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Blooming Time

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Last night was colder than previous nights, and, as a result, it was chillier in the desert this morning when Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I did our daily trek.

Saw what was possibly Basset Hound feces in the middle of LDR-A on our way down, but no Basset people in sight.  We did spot two women hiking northward on LDR who never made it to the southernmost dirt road before turning around.

Best thing about today's outing--besides getting some good exercise--was the realization that Ocotillo flowers are beginning to bloom.

Strange clouds above the Organs

Northward down an arroyo

This & next 2:  Swainson's Hawk atop a yucca

This & next 2:  Ocotillo buds and flowers

This & next:  Frio, Willow, Dr. K

Frio and Willow

Claret Cup Cactus

This & next:  B&W and color

Artsy male Gambel's Quail

Male Gambel's Quail in a mesquite


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

My favorite image here is the 2nd photo of the Ocotillo buds and flowers.

Nest Building

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