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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Low and Then High Country

Yucca and moon
Willow, Frio and I did our usual hike this morning without Dr. K who stayed behind to begin the packing process for our trip to the high country, where we are now.

The weather up here is beautiful, not hot like the lower desert.  At about 2 this afternoon we were outside; I was playing ball with Frio while Willow relaxed in the soft dirt in our yard.

Because of all the above I'm really late in posting the blog today.

Willow and Frio

Moon and Ocotillo

Willow and Frio

This and next:  Painted Lady on Desert Sumac

Claret Cups


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love those two photos of the Painted Lady butterfly.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...