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Monday, April 24, 2023

Better Air, Cool Breeze

Sky at start
Dr. K advised me this morning that she was going shopping today rather than tomorrow so it was just me with Willow and Frio for our daily trek.

It was 59F with a cool breeze when we hit the trail.  The air was much better than yesterday morning, though some residual particulate matter still sullied the vistas a bit.

Heelers were very well behaved out there, following close behind me when I let them off lead in Middle Branch Arroyo.  I did wonder what they'd do if we happened upon the two Mule Deer we startled yesterday, but, sadly, no such encounter.

Soaptree Yucca putting up new stalk (left)

Futile attempt to capture a hummer

This & next 2:  new Soaptree Yucca stalks

Ocotillo buds and flowers against the sky

This scene again

Willow and Frio

Swainson's swoop

New for old


Light-colored bush in front of the sumac is Feather Dalea

Feather Dalea closeup

Male Gambel's Quail

Another new Soaptree Yucca flower stalk

The long view to Tortugas

Soaptree Yucca stalk

This & next:  Velvety Nerisyrenia (aka Bicolor Fanmustard)

Willow riding rear shotgun


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's amazing how fast those Soaptree Yucca stalks grow.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...