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Monday, April 15, 2024

Decent Little Bushwhack

1st 4:  Claret Cups
Even though the Swainson's Hawk wasn't perched atop the Torrey Yucca on the crest of 4210 hill we decided to bushwhack out of the left branch arroyo and head there anyway.

We crossed over the saddle and climbed the hill, descending on the west side before bushwhacking back to the left branch arroyo.  We then proceeded to follow our normal route.

While we were hiking up the right branch arroyo Dr. K spotted the Basset people and their hounds.  Mr. Basset was trekking along the ridge just west of LDR-A before heading back to the dirt road.  They were the only other nature enthusiasts we saw out there today.

The long view southwest of Tortugas Mountain

Tippy tops

The Wilster

Lone Soaptree on 4210 hill

At the western base of 4210 hill

Claret Cups

Lone Soaptree on 4210 hill

This & next:  Loggerhead Shrike

Willow in yucca shadow

Claret Cups and Prickly Pear

Last 2:  Apache Plume


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the last image of the Apache Plume.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...