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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Lengthy Bushwhack

1st 2:  Cactus Wren
We decided while descending LDR-A arroyo this morning that we'd add distance by crossing the Tellbrook Arroyo and heading north through the desert.  We ended up tacking to the northeast for a good bit before turning around to retrace our steps.

When we crossed the Tellbrook Arroyo again we followed our usual route finishing the normal hike that we do every day.  Although there were vehicles parked at the corner of Tellbrook and Sonoma Ranch we never saw any of the occupants out and about.

After the trek we drove over to our local Circle K to gas up the CR-V.  No ride today because Dr. K had a lunch date with an old friend.

Soaptree Yuccas

Prickly Pear blossoms popping

This & next 2:  Freddie turning tail

Tortugas and the Organs

This & next:  House Finch

Prickly Pear flower

Tortugas and the Organs (phone pic)

Hedgehog (phone pic)

Willow on break

Prickly Pear

Prickly Pear flower (phone pic)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Fantastic photos of the Cactus Wren.

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