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Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse Day Hike

Picacho and environs
Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular trek on the morning of the total eclipse; only partial for us, however, though we did get perhaps 75% to 80% coverage.  We viewed the sun in a pinhole viewer I fashioned out of a cereal box.

Back to the hike:  we did see the Basset people and their hounds down by the Tellbrook Arroyo when we started off, and we watched them bushwhack west through the desert.  Saw nobody else out there today.  The weather was quite pleasant, a bit overcast at times, but sunny as well.  Temperature was well within tolerance level.

Sky over desert

Tortugas and the Organs

Organ Mountains

Sky to the southwest

Soaptree Yucca

A male Pyrrhuloxia


Willow on break near the ancient Soaptree Yucca

Ancient Soaptree Yucca

Ocotillo against sky

Claret Cups

Soaptree Yucca near the right branch arroyo

Willow on break again

Hill west of the Organs

This & next:  Claret Cups

Three wise men

Last 2:  Claret Cups


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photo of the male Pyrrhuloxia.

Willow loves to survey her domain and make sure all is safe.

Saturday with Wils

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