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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Wils and Me

Claret Cups in shadow and light
Willow and I decided early on in our hike that we'd be bushwhacking eastward toward the 4210 hill because our favorite Swainson's Hawk was sitting in the Torrey Yucca atop it.

We were able to approach the raptor to within a reasonable distance for me to take some photos of the bird; we made a point of not getting too close so as to avoid scaring it off.

I learned some interesting things about Swainson's Hawks after doing a little research when we got back home.  The males construct the nest--often in the same place as in previous years (this definitely being the case with our buddy, Swainsy)--and they take turns incubating eggs when females are off hunting.

Willow the watchdog


This & next:  1st pics of the Swainson's Hawk

Willow in the left branch arroyo

This & next 2:  Swainson's Hawk

Swainsy giving me the stink eye

Claret Cups

This & next:  Willow and I sneaked up on Swainsy

Low rider

A favorite large arroyo

New buds on Ocotillo

The rest:  Claret Cups, one with bee


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo where the hawk is giving you the stink eye. Gorgeous images of the Claret Cup flowers.

Saturday with Wils

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