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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Swainsy or Mrs. Swainsy?

1st 2:  Apache Plume
Normal hike this morning with Wils and Dr. K, though we did add extra distance by bushwhacking over toward the ridge in order to get a photo of the Swainson's Hawk atop the Torrey Yucca on 4210 hill.  We weren't sure whether it was the male or female raptor sitting there.

Swainsy took off before I was able to get a good photo, though, but I did capture a few of the bird in flight.  I wish I was more adept at photographing birds soaring, but it's tough business.

We took a long drive after the trek, listening and laughing at Matt Jones and Myron Medcalf on their Sunday Morning show.

Wils and Dr. K

Old Soaptree Yucca seed pod

Swainsy or Mrs. Swainsy?

Willow at rest

Whose turn to incubate?

This & next:  Claret Cups in barrel shadow

This & next:  which Swainson's Hawk is hunting?

The long view from southwest of Tortugas Mountain

Claret Cup growing beneath creosote bush

Claret Cup

This & next:  little old mesquite in the right branch arroyo

Claret Cup beside prickly pear

Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the images of the old Mesquite in the arroyo. That's one of my favorite trees.

Saturday with Wils

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