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Monday, May 20, 2024

Ashie the Ash-throated Flycatcher


View from the right branch arroyo
We did our regular Monday morning hike with no added distance; it was a tad warm, and none of us was in the mood for extra mileage.  Nobody else was even in the mood to be out in the desert when we were; we saw no other nature enthusiasts.

We took a short ride after the trek primarily to hear the answer to the daily trivia quiz on Greenie, Mike Greenberg's ESPN show; we often miss the answer because they take so long getting to it and we're already home and done listening to the radio.

Hill, mountains, sky

Soaptree Yucca

Soaptree Yucca in the left branch arroyo

This & next 3:  Ashie

See him?

Willow and Dr. K in LDR-A arroyo

Prickly rodent

Willow on break in the left branch arroyo

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's a great photo of the Prickly Rodent.

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