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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Swainsy Made Us Bushwhack

White-winged Dove having breakfast on an Ocotillo branch
We did our regular hike this morning and were forced (not really) to bushwhack down toward the Tellbrook Arroyo once we had already started up the left branch arroyo; a Swainson's Hawk made us do it.

None of us minded the added distance while we did our best to approach the hawk (who was searching for breakfast) without making it take flight.  My photos of the raptor are a bit iffy because we stayed far enough away so as not to spook it.

After we finished the trek we went to gas up Whitey the CR-V at Circle K and then headed over to the NMSU campus so I could take a couple of photos.  We drove around a bit afterwards listening to Matt and Myron on their Sunday Morning show--those two are always good for some hearty laughs.

This & next:  two White-winged Doves

Willow on break

Soaptree Yucca

What sent us bushwhacking this morning

Willow as sentry

This & next 5:  Swainson's Hawk that made us bushwhack

Bushwhacking back

Western Kingbird

Northward down the right branch arroyo

Old Case tractor with steel wheels (1920s ?)

Skeen Hall, Plant and Environmental Sciences NMSU


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The Swainson's Hawk photos came out well. My favorite is the last photo that you posted.

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