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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Bushwhack or Not to Bushwhack

1st 2:  this morning's moon
Another morning doing our regular hike, this time with added distance; we bushwhacked out of the left branch, headed east to the saddle, scaled 4210 hill and then retraced our steps.

Fortunate enough to photograph a Western Kingbird and a Desert Cardinal while we were out there, though I wish I had captured better images.

Saw only one other nature lover today, a runner we often see on Saturday mornings.  We were on top of 4210 hill while he was crossing the Tellbrook Arroyo in the distance.

This & next:  Desert Cardinal

Wils on early break

In the left branch arroyo

Willow on break in the left branch

Flank of Tortugas Mountain

From the arroyo west of the saddle

This & next:  Western Kingbird

Tortugas and the Organs from the saddle

Distant view of Tortugas and the Organs

Western Kingbird from the back

This & next 2:  Desert Cardinal (aka "Pyrrhuloxia")

Willow atop 4210 hill


Part of the Tellbrook Arroyo

View southeast from the saddle

Interesting clouds


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous photos of the Desert Cardinal.

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