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Friday, May 10, 2024

Fried Egg Friday

Mourning Dove
We did a fairly long hike this morning on an oddly hazy desert day.  Followed our usual route, adding distance by bushwhacking out of the left branch arroyo and crossing to the arroyo just west of the high ridge.

We followed that arroyo south for a distance before climbing up to the ridge.  We proceeded northward along the ridge, descending just south of 4210 hill.  Retracing our steps from there we reentered the left branch arroyo and finished our regular trek.

Good time was had by all.

Morning sky

Long dirt road alternate and long dirt road

Soaptree Yucca seed pods

Soaptree in the left branch

Dr. K and Wils in the left branch

Prickly Pear and barrel cactus

Surprised to see a blossom on a Claret Cup Hedgehog

Claret Cup and barrel cactus

One is the loneliest number

This & next 2:  Willow walking the high ridge

Across to the flank of Tortugas Mountain

Blue sky to the southwest

The rest:  Pyrrhuloxia (aka Desert Cardinal)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous images of the Desert Cardinal on the Ocotillo flower.

Saturday with Wils

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