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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Hike Times Two

Soaptree Yucca
Dr. K, Willow and I took our regular hike this morning with added distance; we bushwhacked out of the left branch arroyo over to the saddle, ascended 4210 hill, descended on the north side and then looped back over to the left branch.

In late morning, while Dr. K was out shopping for plants, Willow and I did an abbreviated hike in the same area as the first.  Hike #2 was a mistake because it was already too hot for the Wilster and me, and the rising sun created little shade to give us shelter.  Both Willow and I took several water breaks to stay hydrated.  We won't make that mistake again.

Sparrow on yucca stalk

Looking southwest from the saddle

To the northwest

Willow and me atop 4210 hill (elevation:  4210 feet)

This & next 2:  Soaptree Yucca that bloomed a while ago

This & next 2:  Western Kingbird

Willow and Dr. K

Willow on hike #2

The right branch arroyo

This & next:  Prickly Pears that weren't blooming on hike #1

Dr. K's jigsaw puzzle


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The Prickly Pear flowers are so lovely. That's one good thing about your (very hot) second hike.

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