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Friday, August 2, 2024

Meep Meep or Beep Beep

1st 2:  backlit Black-chinned Hummingbird
Weather conditions were better this morning primarily because the air wasn't as bad as yesterday, but it was still hot and humid out there.

We did our regular route coming across several desert denizens that I wish I could have photographed better:  a Black-chinned Humming bird and a Roadrunner.

It was good to get in some exercise before returning home to bathe Willow, who is a very cooperative victim.

This & next 3:  Roadrunner


Don't look now, but . . .

False alarm

Roadrunner on ocotillo branch

This & next 3:  barrel buds with bee

Last 2:  barrel cactus flower with buds

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the images of the Roadrunner, and gorgeous images of the Barrel cactus flowers. My favorite of the flowers is the penultimate one that you posted.

Grand View Dustup

1st 3:  views of the Sacramentos from our road Not long after we started off on the Grand View Trail this morning we encountered a woman and...