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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Cold Saturday Start

Willow fascinated by this yucca
A cold wind greeted Dr. K, Willow and I when we started our hike this morning; with the exception of a few areas where we were sheltered the wind kept up all during the outing.

Nevertheless, we had a good time exploring our usual track.  Willow seemed especially energetic and curious today, sniffing everything, looking like a crazed javelina in the process.

There were a few vehicles parked at the Tellbrook/Sonoma Ranch corner lot, but we saw no one else in the desert.

Organ Mountains from LDR-A arroyo

Willow and her yucca

This & next:  Organs again

Willow returns from an exploration

Last 2:  colorful Little-leaf Sumac


Friday, November 29, 2024

Black Friday Trek

Willow in the left branch
Dr. K, Willow and I had a nice Black Friday hike in our usual stomping grounds.  It was cold out there, though, a gloves-and-earband kind of morning.

We saw no one else as we trekked along the regular route; other nature enthusiasts were probably too stuffed or too drunk to be our in the desert so early.

We took a long ride after the outing, driving through nearby neighborhoods to check out the scenery; only a few people have their yards fully decked out for Christmas.

Batman and a very tall Robin

Organ Mountains

A very large Sumac (probably Little-leaf) in the distance

This & next:  same Black-throated Sparrow

Yuccas on a hill

The Willow two-step

The heeler stare

A "pet" peeve:  who will pick up the dog poop?


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thanksgiving Again

We're thankful for Willow
Dr. K, Willow and I are all thankful for each other; thankful, too, that we're able to get out into the desert so easily every day.

Did our regular route this morning and saw no other nature enthusiasts out and about on this Thanksgiving 2024.

Organ Mountains

This & next: Willow in the same spot in the left branch arroyo
The weather conditions were a tad cold and breezy despite the abundant sunshine.  We're headed for a high of 62F which isn't really bad for late November.

Rock Wren thankful for an ocotillo branch

Last 2:  Little-leaf Sumac


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Dynamic Light

1st 5:  Organ Mountains
Just me, Willow and a toothache on this morning's trek; Dr. K went shopping at Target.  She had her successful root canal yesterday.  Yesterday afternoon I had to make an appointment for a tooth that just started bothering me.  I couldn't get in until Monday, though, because our dentist is closed the rest of the week.

The light was fairly spectacular today, and I took advantage of it by taking too many photographs; some of the "better" ones appear here.  The images from my Canon PowerShot SX70 often don't do justice to the specific low-light scenes I've shot.

Lovely little Willow had a fantastic time on our trek, sniffing just about everything possible to sniff on a hike.

LDR-A and heavy clouds

Organs again

Willow and her rock

Tortugas and the Organs

Organ Mts. again, La Cueva Rocks at lower center

West across the Rio Grande

View of sky and clouds from the left branch arroyo


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Back in It

View from LDR-A
Dr. K, Willow and I were back in the desert this morning doing our regular hike.  The weather was beautiful; we're headed for a high of 76F today.

We saw no other nature lovers out and about today, just the fun-loving critters inhabiting this magical place--like the Black-throated Sparrow pictured below.

Poor Dr. K is off to have her root canal this afternoon; her second, I believe.  I've had more than that.

This & next:  looking north to Tortugas Mountain

Soaptree Yucca bent stalk

This & next:  barrel cactus with fruit

Willow taking it easy

Black-throated Sparrow

White House Ruins, acrylic on canvas


Monday, November 25, 2024

Down the Mountain

Morning sky (camera)
Did a slightly shorter version of our forest hike this morning in anticipation of packing up and heading down the mountain; which we did.

Poor Dr. K.  The tooth that has been hurting the past few days requires a root canal.  She was lucky to get in to see our dentist at 2:30 this afternoon; root canal is scheduled for 1:30 tomorrow.


Who's this?

American Robin

This & next:  two takes on a tree

Near the top

Favorite spot

Morning sky (phone)
Willow ready for the Westminster Dog Show

Morning sky (phone)


Birds and Flowers

Curve-billed Thrasher It was 47F when Dr. K, Willow and I got on the trail.  At home I had decided to don only my Marmot PreCip for outerwea...